Java Tutorial - lesson seven

Lesson Seven: A good example of making a button work.

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The right way to attach listeners to components is to make a different class. This class interfaces ActionListener which means that it has access to properties of the ActionListener interface and redefines the methods in the class. If you take a look at the one and only method of the Interface ActionListener ( ) you will notice this is the method actionPerformed(ActionEvent e). And this method will have to be redefined.

Change into:

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
// Class
public class Calculator extends Frame {
    private TextField numberOne;
    private TextField numberTwo;
    private Button buttonAdd;
    private Button buttonSub;
    private Button buttonMul;
    private Button buttonDiv;
    private Label result;
// Constructor
    public Calculator() {
        Panel panel= getWinComponents();
        System.out.println("Constructing a new Calculator...");
// Methods
    private void addButtonListeners() {
        ButtonListener buttonListener= new ButtonListener();
    private Panel getWinComponents() {
        numberOne= new TextField();
        numberTwo= new TextField();
        buttonAdd= new Button("+");
        buttonSub= new Button("-");
        buttonMul= new Button("*");
        buttonDiv= new Button("/");
        result= new Label("Nothing yet...");
        Panel panel= new Panel(new BorderLayout());
        Panel numberPanel= new Panel(new GridLayout(1,2));
        panel.add(numberPanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        Panel operationsPanel= new Panel(new GridLayout(1,4));
        panel.add(operationsPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        panel.add(result, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        return panel;
    private void initScreen() {
        this.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
            System.exit(0); } });
        this.setBounds(100, 100, 300, 200);
        this.setTitle("A java calculator");;
        System.out.println("End of the method initScreen...");

And Save the next code in a new file with the name

import java.awt.event.*;
// Class
public class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {
// Constructor
    public ButtonListener() {
// Methods
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        System.out.println("Button + was pressed...");


What happens here is that in the class Calculator the variable buttonListener is defined as a new ButtonListener (a class that will be defined by ourselves in the file or in Java terms: a new instance or new example is made of the ButtonListener class. This instance buttonListener, is then attached to the ´+´ button with the addActionListener(ActionListener l) method of the Button class. Verify this method of a Button on the Java API pages: . We can attach buttonListener as an action-listener because ButtonListener is implementing the interface ActionListener.

Reviewing the code:

The class ButtonListener ´implements´ the interface ActionListener. That means ButtonListener has properties of the ActionListener class. It also needs to redefine the methods in ActionListener because of this implementation. In the Constructor nothing happens, but on using (or instantiating) the class with ´ButtonListener buttonListener= new ButtonListener()´, an example, an instance of this class will reside in the memory of your computer. When attached to a button and upon pressing it, this instance will start its method actionPerformed() and a line will be printed to the DOS/UNIX window.


Implementing an interface has some similarities to extending a class, as we have seen before with the class Calculator extending a Frame. Sometimes, it is even possible to implement an interface instead of extending a class with the same results. I think that the matter is too complicated and not important enough to go into at the moment, but remember that a class can extend only one other class, and a class can implement several interfaces.

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